Alright, marketing moguls and fellow nostalgia enthusiasts, have you ever scrolled through your Instagram or TikTok feed and thought, “Wow, those iconic tunes and movie quotes from the ’90s are making a comeback!”? Well, you’re not alone. The latest Walmart Mean Girls Commercial has us pointing out the importance. The world of marketing has uncovered a hidden treasure trove of emotions through nostalgia, and it’s changing the way brands connect with their audience.
We’re Suckers for the Classics…
Picture this: It’s a chilly evening, and you’re cozied up on the couch watching “A Christmas Story” for the umpteenth time. You know every line, every twist in the tale, and how it all pans out. But guess what? It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia that keeps you coming back for more.
Nostalgia isn’t just about reminiscing; it’s a journey back to the familiar. It’s like a warm, comforting hug from the past. We all seek connections, something that resonates with our own experiences and makes us feel like we belong. It’s why you instantly click with someone who’s as obsessed with a retro video game as you are, or why you feel an instant bond with a fellow fan of ’80s rock music.
Walmart Mean Girls commercial…
What happened in the 1 minute and 56 seconds of the Walmart Mean Girls Commercial of 2023? There’s so much to unpack that happened in the length of a Super Bowl commercial where we were transported back in time to 2004.
Marketing’s Sneaky Emotional Arsenal
In the grand arena of marketing, it’s not just about peddling products anymore. Brands are on a mission to create genuine connections. They want you to feel something when you think about their product, something beyond the practicalities. They want you to feel the emotions, memories, and experiences that their brand represents.
Take Apple, for instance. If you’ve ever watched an Apple commercial on YouTube, you’ll know what I’m talking about. They’re not just selling gadgets; they’re selling moments, emotions, and memories. They remind us of our first iPhone photos, the thrill of unboxing a new Mac, or the sheer joy of jamming to our favorite songs on an iPod. Apple is a master at weaving nostalgia into its brand narrative.
The Big, Heartfelt Purpose
So, why are brands doing this? It’s not just about sales. It’s about becoming a part of your life, about forging a bond that goes beyond functionality. Brands don’t want to be viewed as mere products; they want to be companions on your daily life. By using a combination of this and story branding.
When you see an iconic movie quote resurface in a marketing campaign, a catchy jingle from your childhood, or a heartwarming commercial that tugs at your heartstrings, remember, it’s not just about the product they’re pushing. It’s about the memories they’re rekindling, the emotions they’re stirring, and the connection they’re creating.
In a world that’s constantly changing, we all crave those moments of connection, shared memories, and emotions that transport us back in time. Nostalgia isn’t just a marketing trick; it’s a journey into our own stories, and the brands that take us there have aced the art of emotional connection. Start your marketing strategy off on the right foot with my marketing consultation.
So next time you’re swayed by a marketing campaign that seems to hit all the right nostalgic notes, know that it’s not just about what they’re selling; it’s about the memories they’re serving on a platter and the connection they’re inviting you to share.
“On Wednesdays, we wear Pink!”

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